Be A Man

A Father’s Advice to His Son If you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on you,If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,Or…

Silent Move

PLOT Most of time as human beings we constantly feel the urge of expressing ourselves. We really want others to know how we feel, what we have been constantly facing, how much we need others help and attention and it goes on and on. It’s sometimes feel like a huge load on the chest, like…


Let’s go back in time in word war II and to be specific, let’s be in position of making some choices which could make us win the war or loose it. At mid of nowhere this conversation with my brother took us back in time and gave us a profound insight about the nature of…

Lost in Facts

If you hear for the first time that, “98.8% of your genes are similar to monkeys genes”, You will obvious be surprised, “Like really?! Is this even true?” As you process this information you will try to seek for similarities of monkeys appearances and behaviors in comparison to human being, this will help you to…

Self Respect

When your spouse, father, mother, brother, sister, boss or any stranger ask you for your assistance, we always tend to help or do what we have been asked to do at our best. And sometimes the request we get from other individuals are totally contrary to our plans, goals or anything we had before but…

Trading psychology

After glimpse in technical and fundamental analysis let us have a brief look on the mindset of trader. Unfortunately, most of traders don’t spend enough time on this and most of times trading psychology tend to be overlooked. However, the actuality of things is that, most of decision made by trader are not guided by…

Fundamental Analysis

Title can speak a lot for itself but it’s reasonable to elaborate more about this kind of analysis. In simple terms there are fundamental forces which guide any kind of market in planet earth, this forces are supply and demand forces. For any currency to raise it’s value against the other it has to create…

Technical Analysis

What is technical analysis?With this kind of analysis the main thing trader does is using tested mathematical models or formulas to predict the direction of market. In case, if the average value of price for last 7 days was higher than the current value of price, trader might assume market price will move up or…

Prices Madness

What is more annoying than an unexpected rise of prices the moment you are broke?… I have to admit this can be deeply frustrating. Let’s assume you are not broke, but you had your expenditures on place and suddenly almost every item you planned to acquire is surprisingly almost double the price. The frustration you…

Uncommon Sense

If you decide to sit down, calm your mind, grab your coffee or beer and ask yourself this question silently and curious, “Why do I do what always I do?”, it may sound silly but your brain will immediately start to give you some rational reasons based on your previous expectations, but if you go…

What Do I Actually Need?!

First thing first, let us begin with your DREAM,Yap! Your Wild Dream!Whatever you deeply think you need,After having that THING you NEED hold it dearly coz somehow you can definitely drop it down at the middle of this roller-coaster. Hahah…I’m not kidding, hold it dearly!!! So, in order to basically understand what we need, we…

2nd Letter, Distribution of Power

Power Corrupt,Absolute power, Corrupt absolutely I may pretend to be a loyal King’s advisor while you being a King or Queen in your own Kingdom. By the way!!! Why pretending if we both know we are all Kings or Queens in our own minds. Surprised! Surprised! Saying so, let’s move on and begin, … From…


It’s hard and devastating to loose someone,However it’s more dreadful to forget their contributions once they are gone,Therefore with a heavy and mourning heart,Let us put ourselves in Magufuli shoes and walk together. We begin by been the person himself …You are a leader, but you don’t have inner lust for powerYou constantly attending their…

1st letter, Fear Not To Lead, Lead

O thou Highness,Thou are not only president,Thou are King and thine authority is absolute. Details enumerated on this passage reflects humble opinions and perceptions based on what I have been constantly observing as a loyal subject, hereafter, the enumerated propositions have no statistical data nor any attached validation therefor its your burden to search and…

Billions Vs Millions

3x10power(614) | DNAYou start with 3 then you add 614 zero after it. It can probably take you approximately 2 Years to finish writing it, if you only add one zero per day. Well that sound simple, but let us make it little complex then for each zero you add, you actually have to make…

Equality over my dead-body

(Hadithi njoo, uongo njoo, utamu kolea …(Bring the tale, bring the lies, make them sweet … The inspirational phrase which tells you “You can be whoever you wanna be” has another, less interesting counter-part, which is, “… for whatever you wanna be there is a price to pay depends on who you already are”. While…

The formidable price of free lunch

Under the hood of FREE STUFFIt’s early in the morning, your eyes are heavy, your head is kind of dizzy, your brain flip and flop, you don’t even know if you are awake or still in one of your crazy nightmare’s. But somehow, magically, your hand stretch up, grab your smartphone, open WhatsApp, click status…

At the end, We all get caught!

The title of this dialogue was stolen from a movie and the funny way to read this dialogue between me and my brother is by picking your two favorites characters from a movie or cartoon, then imagine them while passing through a dialogue up to the end of dialogue where moral of the story lies….

A Gambler Secret

The quest to randomnessAround 1940-s RAND Cooperation take the heed and produce one of the earliest important manuscript. Can you bet what was in it? Just a pile of RaNdOm NuMbErS. Yes! Maybe you didn’t get me correct, It was a large list of Random Numbers, 1 Million random numbers. To cut a story short,…

Cognitive Bias

The Raise of DogmasMaybe you once heard about five monkeys experiment, if so, bear with me and refresh your memories, if else, let us dive in and navigate around.1st, Ignorance Level: Researchers set a cage and put a ladder at the center of the cage and bananas at top of the ladder. Primarily, when monkeys…