Slippery Slope πŸ‚

Fallacy is an assumption that an occurrence of number 1 will eventually lead to number 9. Coz it’s usually goes like 0, 1, 2, … etc. Well, good guess but that depends on who is counting, speaking of binary systems we only have 0s and 1s. Pardon me if that blur you, but welcome to…

Attacking the Person πŸ—‘πŸ‘ΆπŸΎ

Argumentum ad Hominem You have arrived on a new city, enter to the Club met with a guy, talks a lot, drink a lot of Bears together, grab some prostitutes together then spent rest of Night separately. Well, A week passed you move to the Church/Mosque and met with the same guy, now he is…

Ignore the Issue 😎

Ignoratio Elenchi Fallacy is closing your eyes with an expectation that the Hungry Lion in front of you will disappear. Well it’s true you don’t see the Lion but also It’s also true the lion exist in front of you. Well, you have decided to ignore the issue, welcome to Ignonatio Elenchi. Statement 1 ……

Correlation Implies Causation [♠♣]

(♠♣) 🚫 (β™ ->♣) cum hoc ergo propter hoc Fallacy is when you see one of your top performing classmates spent whole night studying during exams preparation, so as to also be better on exams, next day you take tone of coffee and push your limits the whole night, well you know what happens on the…

Appeal to Popular Opinion πŸ‘₯

Argumentum ad Populum Fallacy is when a group of individuals deeply believe that, if majority of them will vote for Sun to raise from West to East, It will. So they voted and next day morning they realized how the sun doesn’t give a shit about their stupid votes. Believe me most of time we…

Appeal to Ignorance 🀑

Argumentum ad Ignoratium Fallacy is an attempt to assume, that an egg is fine, i.e not viza, just because you can’t see it’s inside. An act of concluding something is TRUE or FALSE just because we don’t know what is going on. Warning: This is not Google definition ! It’s mine, go and find yours…

Appeal to Authority 🏳

Argumentum ad Verecundium Fallacy is Any Statement smell like Biriani but test like shubiri (Arovela juice) A Twisted LIE to look like TRUTH. Worry not its my definition anyway. You can google yours. hahah… Statement … πŸŽ™You open a TV Station and hear Mkuu wa mkoa (Region Commisioner) talks on Business News it’s goes by…