Rational versus emotional approach

“You see someone drowning in the water.”The emotional part of you: Oh!! NO! Nobody deserve to die that way, I have to dive in and rescue him as soon as possible.The rational you: First that’s Non of Your business, plus for the panic level he have, there is almost zero chance for both of you…

Shall we opt for long term 🗓 or short term ⏳?

A BRIEF … Assume the Airtime Offer you had suddenly cancelled (BUNDLE LA CHUO) so you have to spent extra 1500 Tsh airtime extra per day to enable similar data and airtime services. Then, how does that feel? Amm… It’s sucks, but it’s normal. Then on top of that you have moved to a new…

The battle of reality versus expectations

Headline itself is full of details. There is saying, nothing is funny in life than life itself. And indeed it is. THE ACADEMIA DREAM … 🖍So, we arrived at Collage and majority of us had what we called dreams, and they sounded really cool by the moment. Then we eventually created all weird connections between…

Fundamental 📜 and Derived 📃 axioms

Let’s say you go back to primary school, then arrive late at school, and met with one of those bad teachers who really know to punish students and promise to give you a free-pass if you can just answer a simple silly questions, “kati ya kuku na yai, kipi kilitangulia?” If you didn’t take a…

Is it a random or partial deterministic process?

In one way or another life seems to be a total gambling (mchezo wa pata potea). teh teh … And most of things we do, feels like we are just small kids lost in the jungle. HOW ABOUT … What happened when you and your friend whom you read together, eat together, play and work…

Ancient tales of Currency and Money

First thing First : How comes everyone in this planet believe in something like a coin, a piece of paper or just an sms from Mpesa ? How did all this evolve to this extent? Coz believe me, just few centuries ago all this was just like any other bulls@#ts. MONEY FIRST … Lets go…

Is it an asset or a liability?

You heard about an opportunity, it’s seems shiny, its glorious, its smell f€$king incredible, but when you put aside all these emotional rush and draw a simple Line between Expenses and Revenues, sudden the big picture really sacks, not only currently but also for the last year and 4 years ago. Qn: Well, how comes…